A few weeks ago, Mike was finally able to score a camera he liked at the camera store he works at. He had been looking at one with a pretty high price tag, but luckily an older model was traded in, and he got a great price on it. He's been having a blast taking photos of random stuff, including the kitties, flowers, and my belly (check out that bump! That was last weekend when I was 18 weeks along).
OSU will be playing Penn State in Happy Valley tonight--should be a pretty good game. Makes me almost as nervous to go over there as it does to have the No. 1 ranking. I like being the underdog SOOOOOO much better (41-14 at the hands of Urban Whiner's Florida, anyone?). Regardless, it should be a great game--I'm just happy it's our last night game until the bowls start up. GO BUCKS!!!
What is the model and make of Mike's camera? Nice pictures!