Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Monthly Mumbles

10. I've gotten a little tired of the "10 Things I Think I Think" label. Going with this new one instead, since I seem to do this fantastic little brain dump once a month. We'll see how it goes.

9. I'm extremely thankful for an employer who allows me to work from home when the boys can't go to the sitter. I've had to cash in that perk quite a bit in the last two weeks; last week for our sickies, and this week, for the sitter herself being sick. On the negative side, working from home isn't exactly fun; I'm still responsible for everything I would typically do in the office, but then I've got these two cute munchkins who can't understand why mommy keeps asking them to go play so she can get her work done (I do promise to "clock out" at my normal time so I can go join the fun). Despite the kiddo interruptions, I will say I am amazed that I always somehow seem to get more work done at home.

8. SO excited for the launch of my sister's new photography business--she has SUCH a talent! I only wish she lived closer so we could hit her up for some sessions! If you're in the Hudson Valley area of New York, you need to contact her IMMEDIATELY! Oh, and you might, you know, see a child or two of mine if you check out her site. :)

7. I went to drop our taxes off Monday evening, and our tax guy asked if I'd mind hanging around so he could go ahead and get them done. An hour later, I walked out of there VERY HAPPY. We'll be able to play off our roof AND maybe get another project done I wasn't anticipating funding until next year. There's something to be said about using your tax with holdings as a yearly savings account.

6. Just realized Valentine's Day is next week. I've made ZERO plans to recognize the day. It's never been my favorite holiday (it's just so damned exclusive). I should probably come up with something lest a certain significant other think I don't like him anymore...

5. Did I mention how excited I am to walk into the bank and pay off our roof next week?!?!?!?!?!

4. It actually snowed today. Haven't seen a whole lot of that this winter. But you won't find me complaining; this has possibly been my most favoritest winter EVER. And spring is just around the corner...

3. ...which also means I'm going to have a four-year-old on my hand in just a matter of weeks. Blows. My. Mind. I can still smell the OR, feel the shakes from the epidural, and hear the sounds of Aiden's very first cry. And now we're ready for a fourth birthday party. Good. Lawd.

2. Molly is still doing just fantastic. She's ridiculously well-behaved, and hasn't met a soul she doesn't like (except maybe for the cats, but eh, we'll work it out). I took her to the vet last night (HOLY HEARTWORM PREVENTION BILL, BATMAN!), and they seemed to think we got one hell of a dog as well. A couple more vaccinations in the next few weeks and she'll be golden.

1. I'm excited to get my St. Patrick's Day decor set out. I freakin' love March. So move on out of here, February. I've had enough of you and your drippy red hearts, cold snaps, annoying illnesses, and depressing gray days. Better days are ahead.

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