Thursday, April 3, 2008

Three Weeks Old!

Can't believe this little tyke is three weeks old already. The little devil is 8 lbs already! He sure eats like a champ--according to our chart, he's eating at the level of a four-week-old--and he has been for nearly two weeks! Now if we could just get him to sleep through the night...
Other than that, I really don't have any complaints; I love that I finally can post some photos where his eyes are open, since I know some of you out there don't believe he ever opens them!


  1. He's beautiful, Kim! Sounds like things are going well. My friend, Kimberly, gave birth to an 8 lb boy in Jan (c-section also). He is now 13 lbs! He just recently started sleeping through the night (in his cradle-swing) so there is a light at the end of that tunnel! :)


  2. If he is sleeping 4-6 hours right now, you should consider yourself lucky!!
    Oh Aiden -- he always goes to sleep when Aunt Angie is around!
