Saturday, June 16, 2012

We Only Make Men 'Round Here...

That's right...

...IT'S A BOY!!!

And can I say that I'm relieved? I mean, sure I would've been JUST AS THRILLED with a girl, but this way, I don't have to "re-learn" taking care of another gender; I obviously KNOW what to do with a boy. Also, I don't have to re-do the nursery, and all my clothing sizes from Nolan will match up since there's only two months' difference in their birthdays. Also, I was completely lost in Toys R Us this week when trying to pick out a gift for a girl.

Plus there's the fact that I just LOVE little boys. I should probably admit to being biased.

We're all over the moon about this little guy--particularly Aiden, who was pressing hard for a girl, but the minute he saw this little guy on the screen said, "Awwww, I love you, brother!" Heart. Melted.

Oh, and he does have a name: Justin Steele. :)

For the record, Justin is NOT to honor Timberlake or Beiber or any of that crap. If I'm being completely honest, I remember liking the name ever since I was a little girl watching "The Secret of NIMH."

Which is NOT to say our son is named after a cartoon rat--that's just when I first started liking the name, and luckily it won Mike over as well. Plus it goes nicely with Aiden and Nolan.

And Steele? That's my mom's maiden name. We felt we needed to represent her in there somewhere, and short of having "A Boy Named Sue" (er, thanks for the suggestion, John, but NO), this was the best way to go. :)

I called to give Dad the good news last night, and I could just hear Mom's belly laugh when I said, "BOY!" She would've been so excited. :)

So there you have it. Our third little man is looking healthy--he measured 14 weeks 1 day, which is exactly what I was yesterday--and we're ready for the next six months to fly by so we can meet him!!!


  1. I ADORE the name Justin! It's my husband's middle name. And, while I didn't remember it, I love The Secret of NIMH and that character! Steele is an awesome name too, beyond being your mom's maiden name. Plus, that's an awesome way to memorialize her. I have some friends who both use their mother's maiden name as their middle name... and the name is Friend (which means I loved to say Ben-Friend!). Anyway, congratulations, Kim. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes by uneventfully and that you start to like the taste of food again. :)

  2. Congrats! I think the name goes very well..and I love the meaning of the middle name, too!
