Saturday, January 1, 2011

Drive-By 2011 Resolutions

I'm not going into too much detail--don't want to hamper my chances of actually succeeding at these:

1) Lose the baby weight. I know that I said previously that I wasn't putting a time frame on it, but since I'll be in my sister's wedding in November, I've got to drop 20 pounds by then. And with my gorgeous new elliptical, that should be doable. :)

2) Pay down a good chunk of our debt. The ultimate goal here is for me to be able to get a new vehicle sometime this year; my Cavalier just isn't cutting it anymore, especially with two kids.

3) Get better at my job.

4) Get new pictures for my blog header that actually include Nolan (hey, I had to throw an EASY one in there).

5) Complete my photo-a-day project.

That's about it. I'll update you in about 364 days to see how successful I was--hopefully I'll be able to cross everything off as DONE! :)

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