Sunday, January 18, 2009


When Mike & I first met and started dating in January 2004, one of our favorite things to do was go ice-skating at Ohio State's rink. With Mike's love of hockey, he was a pretty decent skater. I had never been before, but years of roller-skating as a kid helped me figure it out for the most part; I just couldn't figure out how to stop, so I ended up running into walls a lot. It was a great activity to help us get to know and trust one another, though, and we really loved those memories. We hadn't gone in almost 3 years, but recently we both talked about how we should, and last night happened to be a perfect night. We were both a bit rusty, and the rink was pretty crowded, but we managed okay. I loved the opportunity for some one-on-one time with my husband! I'm excited to go back out and try again, and I also look forward to the days when Aiden is old enough for us to go skating as a family! :)